A child thinks of growth in terms of inches or pounds and can’t wait to grow physically. As an adult I want to shed pounds and grow wiser. A few more inches in height to my 5’4″ frame wouldn’t hurt either, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Each new year and spring season I tend to do a self-evaluation in terms of my growth. To me they signify a time of new beginnings and rebirth. I examine my growth by asking myself the following sorts of questions.
- Am I growing spiritually?
- What have I learned from past mistakes?
- Do I continue to repeat certain mistakes?
- Am I expanding my horizons by learning new things and challenging myself?
- Am I making new connections with people?
I love to watch the show Masterclass on the OWN network. Oprah shares the stories of different celebrities, politicians, entrepreneurs, athletes, etc. The premise is we all have a story to share and lessons we’ve learned along the way. I’m a big fan of Goldie Hawn and I thought she had a great message to share. “The beauty of getting older is the surprise of what else you can do to make the world a better place with the wisdom you’ve accrued over those years.”
VEry thought provoking! And I have never seen Masterclass, I will need to check it out.