I had a surprise birthday party for my daughter this week. The planning, shopping, crafting and baking has occupied my thoughts and time for the past several weeks. I am happy I can move on to other things now. I’m finding I really enjoy the planning process of things, but not the actual execution of them. Many of my ideas and recipes I found on Pinterest and I was inspired by Tori Spellings new book Celebratori. I also wouldn’t have been able to decorate and set up a dessert and candy table without the help of my friend. She helped keep me on task and has a good eye for staging things. I wish I could take credit for the cake, but I’m not nearly patient enough for cake decorating. My talented friend and neighbor made it. It was also inspired by an image from Pinterest.
My daughter loves sweets and the color turquoise so that was my theme. She and her friends love looking at the many hairstyling ideas on Pinterest like waterfall braids, etc. A good family friend who is a hair stylist and her friend braided and curled the girl’s hair. They had a choice of styles to choose from. I also staged a make up station for the girls and a photo booth with some fun props. What teen doesn’t like a selfie?
I wasn’t quite sure if the girls would appreciate all of the little details I put into the party. I made sugar scrubs as a take home gift and they drank pink lemonade out of little mason jars rimmed with sugar. Several of the girls took pictures of the decorations and one posted her photos on instagram. My daughter came home from school the next day and said everyone loved the decorations and we got 33 likes. I guess that’s how today’s generation shows their appreciation. It made me feel like the extra effort was well spent. I sometimes have to remind myself I am doing things out of love and because I enjoy the creative process. Not everyone notices the little details, but it sure feels great when they do!
I love this idea! Brie turns “13” on Friday, September 13th, 2013…..WOW!
I wish I had kept some of the decorations. I would have given them to you. I had them forever and just got rid of them not too long ago. It was a lot of fun and the girls really loved of all of the little details. It was a lot of set up work, but fun to plan. Hmm, Friday the 13th, does she like scary movies?
Hi! I’m turning 12 on February 1st, and wanted to know what you “called” the party. I’m not sure what to theme mine, but I love the ideas (thanks for those, you practically saved my life, as my birthday is very soon). Do you have any suggestions?
I hope you have a great birthday and party Courtney. I just called it a sweet 13 birthday party, but you could call it something like a “Sugarlicious Party” or Turning 12 is Sweet. Check out this post for more simple party ideas. I like the idea of putting gummy candies on a skewer.