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I read a great lesson last week on patience and in my eagerness to get to my journal and write down a sentence I loved, I knocked my coffee cup and spilled coffee on the table. I was being hasty and impatient. Sometimes I like to mask those words with the word excited. I can truly be excited about something, but then sometimes that causes me to be impatient. I want to do things on my terms and now. That is sort of the case with my blog. I’m excited about all the things I’m learning in my Blogging Your Way class, but want to be able to do it all now. As much as I’d like to be superwoman, the reality is I’m not. I look at other people and the many hats they wear and I don’t understand how they juggle it all. You know who I’m talking about the person who: homeschools her kids, her house is in Better Homes and Gardens, she is an excellent writer and photographer, cooks meals for her family, has a great personality and is up to date on current events and the latest episode of Real Housewives. The Daily Word reminded me that “life is much more than my to do list, every moment is a gift and every person is doing their best. I have the time to do whatever truly needs to be done.” I wonder if this means all those hours I spend on pinterest really aren’t a waste of time after all. Actually I think it means to do my best, enjoy the process and don’t be in such a hurry. Also, put people first and to do’s second.