I love looking at photographs. You can tell a story with a single image and it can evoke emotions in you that words may not be able to convey. When I was a kid I used to love looking at the photographs in my Dad’s National Geographic magazine. Now my son gets National Geographic and I still enjoy looking at the photos. Being a photographer for their magazine was one of several dream jobs of mine. I’m in awe of the many talented photographers that exist in this world. Photography is an art that I hope to improve as my blog evolves. You can learn so much just by studying how people compose their photographs. The photos above were taken by my teenage children’s good friends this past weekend. I find people are taking more photographs now because of the advanced technology of smart phones and the popularity of instagram. I chose to share these photos because I felt they captured an interesting perspective of things I may not have seen otherwise. The photos express a playfulness and curiosity that makes me smile.
Of course I have to comment on this one! I love the photos you chose. They make me smile too! 🙂 Your blog makes me smile! Every time I get a notice in my mail that you have a new article, I can’t wait to read it. I mean it, I am really enjoying it. You have an excellent writing voice. Keep it up!!
Thanks Anne that means a lot to me.