Happy Thanksgiving! I’m grateful for many things, but at the top of my list is my family. Our dog Fritz was left out of this picture, but I couldn’t imagine our family without him. My husband has been the biggest supporter of me and my blogging endeavors and if it weren’t for him, I don’t know that I would have been able to embark on this journey. Other than my parents, he has taught me the most about giving and being grateful. His mother says that even when he was a kid he always thought of others. I have watched him take care of his brother with special needs, our family, his coworkers, and perform tasks most people wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole without complaining. He is a great role model for our children and I’m thankful for whatever good traits they’ve picked up from him. He has also taught me a lot over the years since I’ve known him since I was 16. I hope you find it in your heart to tell someone in your family how grateful you are for them this Thanksgiving.
Great picture of your wonderful family. (Love the purple & grey!)
Hope you have a great day Denise. I know how you love purple 🙂
Sweet tribute to a sweet man! Have a wonderful day. 🙂
Love this picture and love your family! We are truly thankful for family and friends like you!
Love the family photo and the seet message about your husband.