This image is the hand lettering and artwork of artist Lisa Congdon. Her work can be found here.
I learned about the idea of keeping a gratitude journal years ago when Sarah BanBreathnach’s book Simple Abundance was on the best sellers list. I was one of those people who rushed out to buy it because Oprah recommended it. The main idea of the book is to find gratitude in the simplest of things in your daily life. When I first read the book my kids were little and I really needed a way to find gratitude in mundane home keeping chores like doing laundry. I can’t say I’ve been able to find pleasure in folding laundry yet, but it did give me a different perspective and other ways to celebrate the little things in life.
I’m someone who by nature is a little on the negative side. I don’t know if it’s because of nature or nurture, but I have to make a conscious effort to be positive. It’s something I continue to work at which is part of my reason for starting this blog. I want to focus on the things that bring me joy, and I have many reasons to be grateful. There is always something to be thankful for even in the worst of situations. A shift occurs in your mind and attitude when you are grateful. I hope that you find a lot to be thankful for this month and always.
Dawn – I’m loving reading your blog everyday. Thank YOU!
Thanks Shari! That’s the best compliment I could ask for.
I actually find joy in folding laundry because I try & do most all of it, load after load, on Mondays. I take that opportunity to watch tv shows I’ve saved on DVR the previous week!