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Alison Gibb of Her-Indoors graciously nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award. The Liebster Blog Award is an award given from bloggers to bloggers that are small to medium in size or up and coming in the blogsphere. Liebster is German for favorite. The award is a way to give beginning bloggers some worthy attention, make connections and let readers learn a little more about you. I love connecting with people from different countries and learning about their daily life. I met Alison through the Blogging Your Way class. Her home is lovely and she gives readers a feel for what her village Gullane is like which is just outside of Edinburgh, Scotland . You can read about it here.
Now it’s my turn to answer 11 questions that Alison asked me, list 11 random facts about myself, pay it forward by nominating 11 other blogs and come up with 11 questions to my nominees. My husband is wrong, it is all about me, I say with a smile.
Alison’s questions to me:
My favorite TV program? It’s a tie between Revenge and Modern Family.
City or Country living? I love nature, but I would have to say I’m more of a city girl. I was born in Philadelphia.
What is your star sign? I am a cancer the crab, and I do have some of the same qualities associated with cancers.
Where am I going with my blog? This is a tough question. I have hopes for it and would love for it to grow, but I’m also open to where opportunities may lead. I look for guidance from within. I’m trying not to pre-plan too much.
Describe my dream home- My dream home would be warm and inviting, on a beach with a coastal decorating scheme. I love the magazine Coastal Living.
What is my dream job? I’m actually incorporating a lot of the things I like to do with blogging. Taking photographs, meeting new people, learning new things, writing, and collecting ideas. What would be even nicer is if I could actually make a living from it.
What is my favorite car? I’m not a car person, but I think the mini coopers are awfully cute and I’ve always loved a jaguar.
Most useful self help book I have ever read? I’ve learned a lot and grown spiritually through a Bible study I attend. I have many self help books on my bookshelf. One of the easiest to read and very applicable to daily life is The Four Agreements. I will be giving two copies of it away in December.
My song- This is a tough one because I don’t know that I really have one, but the first song that popped into my head was Don’t Rain On My Parade by Barbara Streisand. You can laugh now.
Favorite perfume? Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana
Dinner party stand by? I don’t really have one, but I think it’s always good to have some good bottles of wine on hand and cheese and crackers.
11 Random Facts about me
- I started taking drum lessons over a year ago.
- I have a sweet tooth and my favorite cake is white with white icing.
- I can sing “Santa Lucia” in Italian. My grandmother taught me how to sing it as a toddler.
- I back packed through Europe one summer when I was a college student.
- My favorite season is Fall.
- I love disco music and I’m a big fan of 70’s on 7 XM Radio.
- I believe we can all make a difference in small ways.
- I’m a very tactile person. I prefer reading a book over an e-reader.
- I dream of owning a home on the beach.
- I’m a tad claustrophobic.
- I’m constantly changing or updating something in my home.
I chose the following 11 blogs because they have either reached out to me in some way or blog about things that bring me joy- spirituality, crafts, books, decorating, art, food and funny stories.
My questions
What is one of your favorite books?
What’s your favorite dessert?
What would people be surprised to know about you?
Your favorite travel destination?
Favorite place to shop?
Your favorite APP for your phone?
What’s something you couldn’t live without or a favorite thing?
Favorite source for decorating inspiration?
Name one person who inspires you.
What brings you joy?
Favorite gift to give?
Enjoyed your answers! We are both Cancer! Will look out for The Four Agreements! x
Enjoyed reading your post Dawn. Couple of things we have in common are; fall is my favorite season mostly because I have October birthday and I prefer books over an e-reader. I have books all over my house and in my car so when I have 30 minutes to spare you will find me reading a book!
I look forward to meeting you in the new year if not before at one of the KC blog mixers.
Great “getting to know you” better, Dawn! Thank you so much for the nomination .. I’ll get started on a post soon. 🙂
I’ve finally posted my acceptance post. 🙂 Thanks again!