I had never heard of a sugar glider until the other day when my friend was telling me how his wife wants one as a pet. Evidently there are kiosks set up in the mall where you can buy them. My kids went through the hermit crab phase and we even had a pet rabbit for awhile until we got our dog. I had to repeat sugar glider several times to make sure I understood what he was saying. Of course I had to go home and google sugar glider. These are a few facts I learned on wikipedia. The sugar glider is:
- native to Australia, New Guinea & Bismarck Archipelago
- a small omnivorous, arboreal gliding possum
- named for their preference for sugary nectarous foods
- they have the ability to glide through the air like a flying squirrel
- they are nocturnal and their large eyes help them to see at night
I found the above video on youtube warning people who may be considering purchasing sugar gliders as pets. Tis the season for getting wrapped up in purchasing novel pets for children. If you are considering a sugar glider, I’d give the hermit crab a second look. I’m perfectly happy with my miniature schnauzer and won’t be riding the sugar glider band wagon this year. Although the sugar glider isn’t something that would bring me joy, I do enjoy learning new things. I can now say I know what a sugar glider is. Have you heard of them before and do you have any pet regrets you’d like to share?
Dawn, I didn’t know what a sugar glider was either but now that I saw the video Brie better not ask for one. It was cute but too much work and it lives 15 years…ugh! Our bunny just turned 8 this August and I have many regrets in getting him. The cuteness wears off quickly then you are left taking care of the animal for years……
I also regretted getting a bunny. Luckily one of the teachers at Morse took him in after we got Fritz.