This is one of my favorite Christmas pictures. My daughter didn’t come to the realization that there isn’t a per se “real” Santa that comes down the chimney until 6th grade. She also believed there was a magic elf or in our case penguin that was taking notes on her behavior and creating all sorts of mischief. I of course utilized the Santa’s watching parenting tactic every chance I got. Right before Christmas her 6th grade year she asked my husband and I point blank if there is a real Santa Claus. Evidently there had been some talk at school. She wasn’t about to believe it was true, but needed some parental reassuring. There was no way I was taking the bait, but my poor husband did. She got angry which was preceded by crying and every single past Christmas memory was drudged up as a lie. It was one of those parenting moments I wished I could have skipped. There was relief that she wouldn’t be 18 years old and ridiculed for believing in Santa. However, combined with the relief was a feeling of loss. The loss of innocence and the belief in magic and miracles.
My husband and I tried to explain to her that there really are Santa’s in this world. He doesn’t always parade around wearing a red furry outfit and black boots, but there are people who give generously from their heart every day. I know quite a few Santas. The icon of Santa represents giving freely and spreading joy. Miracles and magic do exist and they happen all the time. We just need to lift our eyes and look for them. There are also some things that are unseen and that is where faith comes in. I hope you experience the magic of faith, hope and joy this holiday season and in the coming year.
Well said, Dawn! It actually made me choke up. On a different note, Liz would love to know what Lauren said to Santa the year of the picture!
Lauren was surprised Liz sent her the picture on her phone. I shared the post with her. This was her first Christmas so I think she was just in awe of Santa no words. If she could have asked for something it would have been Oreos. Ryan on the other hand would have nothing to do with sitting on Santa’s lap.
Well said Dawn, Brie followed the same footsteps as Lauren and asked me point blank this year. It broke my heart to see her reaction. it is true there are many Santa’s in our lives.