Images and craft instructions be mine wheel and fortune cookies from Martha Stewart
I’m amazed at all of the free printables you can find on the internet. I thought these were really cute from the Paper Coterie. You could use them to make cards, or as little notes in your kids lunch box which is something I always thought about doing, but never did. You could also use them to decorate scrapbook pages. The possibilities are endless. Since writing this post the website has shut down, but you can find other printable on my Inspire Love Pinterest Board.

source Whatcha Makin’ Now
Of course Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be complete without a few treats. I met Chelsea who blogs at Whatcha Makin’ Now at a Kansas City bloggers cookie exchange. I was the lucky recipient of her cookies. She’s got a lot of great recipes on her site and each week I continue to add them to my pinterest board. Cookies are a HUGE weakness of mine so unfortunately I don’t make them very often because I will eat them all. I wanted to share two of her Valentine related cookies though for those who may be looking to do some baking. I like that their not super complicated, but festive. Click the links under the photos and it will take you to the recipes.

Thanks for the ideas. I am still planning these parties and this year we had a new rule – no treats due to so many diet restrictions! I’m planning on making the felt fortune cookies with messages only.
I thought the fortune cookies were cute too!
Thanks for the shout-out, Dawn! You’re the best!
No problem Chelsea. I love all of your recipes!
Cute ideas. Those cookies are making my mouth water…yum!!!
Great ideas. Need to start baking!
Love, love, love all the ideas on this post! I’ve seen those Paper Coterie printables and need to print them out, and I’m dying to try the fortune cookies. But the Valentine’s Day cookies…oh my. I’m afraid that if I make them, I will eat them ALL.