photo via Two Martini Lunch
Kindness is a simple joy that you can give to anyone and it doesn’t cost a thing. Kim at Two Martini Lunch has been featuring my blog on her site. I’m so grateful she reached out to me and is helping me promote my blog. She is currently an expat living in Thailand with her family. Her current blog posts have been about her struggles and adventures in Thailand. I love an adventure. Sometimes fear holds me back from being more adventurous. She wrote about driving in Thailand with her teenage son here. I don’t even like driving in the United States to places unfamiliar to me, much less a foreign country. I admire her tenacity and bravery. I recommend checking out her blog, it will give you a taste of adventure.
Along with the Spring sunshine comes Spring showers. I’m not a big fan of rainy days, but I occasionally like a good storm when you can just sit inside and hear the soothing sound of rainfall. We’ve had a few of those days lately and really need the rain.
My daughter made her confirmation this week and our good friends had us over for dinner beforehand to celebrate. Our lives can get so busy running from this practice to that sporting event this time of year that the things that really matter can get lost in the shuffle. I’m thankful we took the time to celebrate our faith with good friends and enjoy a nice meal beforehand. I loved my friend Christine’s Spring tablescape in the above picture. I appreciate a nicely set table and the time and effort that goes into creating one. Feeling welcome in someone’s home is a simple joy, and I’m grateful for my friends hospitality. I’m also grateful my friend Anne accepted the role of being my daughter’s confirmation sponsor. She has known her since she was in kindergarten. If you are wanting a good laugh you can read the story about the Saint name my daughter chose here.
Have a great weekend and look for the simple joys in life.