I was surprised to find my neighbor carving this welcome home sign into a snow drift last weekend. His girlfriend had been out-of-town over Valentine’s Day weekend and he spent all day preparing the snow, carving out the letters and spraying paint through a straw to color the letters. It wasn’t a nice warm day either, as you can see from the huge mound of snow. If this isn’t an act of love, I don’t know what is. It put a smile on my face and made my husband grumble. Coming home to a nice clean house and no laundry is pretty sweet as well, which I can say my husband has done on many occasions.
Sam’s Club Finds by dpasco featuring food storage containers I also ventured out to Sam’s Club over the weekend which can be dangerous. I went in needing paper products and $300 later came out with much more. I don’t need another item for entertaining, but I couldn’t pass up this Mango Leaf 3 Tier Swivel Server for only $25. I also found this set of 3 glass canisters with slate tags for $20. I’m not sure what I’m going to put in them yet, but they were too cute to pass up. They were two items that I knew I’d regret not purchasing. I’ve learned that timing is everything when it comes to finding good deals. Good deals usually don’t last long. I can also justify almost anything if given enough time. I thought I might save them for gifts, but the more I looked at them in the box I decided I wanted to keep them. That’s just how I roll! I also bought three seed veggie dipping chips by RW Garcia which are gluten-free. A few of my friends have a sensitivity to gluten so I’m always on the lookout for tasty gluten-free chips and crackers. These chips have a nice crunch, are tasty and I like to think they count as eating a vegetable. I’ve been trying to stay out of the stores a little more this winter. I need nothing else for my home, but I always manage to find something, even at Sam’s Club. I’ve been doing a little more reading. I recently read The War of Art and Divergent. I saw Oprah’s interview with Author, Steven Pressfield on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday show and enjoyed it so much that I bought the book. The War of Art examines the internal obstacles we encounter when creating and gives tools to help conquer resistance. It’s a pretty short read, but a book that I’ll probably have to reread to grasp the full understanding. Divergent was a fun read and despite its size, a very quick read because I didn’t want to put it down. If you liked The Hunger Games, you will love Divergent. I’m currently reading Insurgent which is the second in the three book series. I normally don’t read science fiction, but I’m enjoying these series. The Divergent movie is coming out next month and I can’t wait. Have you read any good books this winter? Any favorite finds? I’m looking forward to spring and fresh new discoveries!
LOVE the snowy love welcome. How romantic and fun! 🙂
I think it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE to come back from a big store like that without spending at least 3 times more than you intended and with at least 4 items you never even knew you might need. Has anyone ever gone in for a case of cat food and cereal…and actually come out with just a case of cat food and cereal? No, they have not!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED the first two books in the Divergent series but I HATE HATE HATED the third book. I hated it so much that it almost ruined my love of the first two. It’s just that awful. My advice would be to finish “Insurgent” and then STOP. (And if someone had said that to me I would have been intrigued and raced out to get “Allegiant”…but take my word for it…resist!!) 🙂 –Lisa
I’m getting ready to start Insurgent, but now you have me intrigued. I have heard the ending is bad. My daughter is currently reading it and a friend of hers told her the ending. Maybe I’ll wait for the movie on the third book, but if I decide to read it you can say I told you so. I didn’t like the third book in the Hunger Games series either.
Oh my gosh, your neighbor is adorable! That is so awesome! I love that mango lead server too..I might have to go to Sams now! 😉
It’s a great buy Katie. You could always use it as a gift or if your like me, keep it for yourself 🙂
Not only was the sign romantic….but it was done very nicely! If I had done it…it would look like a bloody mess! People would be looking for the body!
Ok, I’m going to read Divergent. I don’t normally like science fiction either, but now I’m intrigued. I liked Lisa’s comment above…I just hate when that happens in a series!
I think your finds at Sam’s are awesome and you were smart not to pass them up! At Christmas I received some food gifts in glass jars with plastic screw on lids (not nearly as cool as your jars), but I decided to leave them on my counter with the snacks we’ve been loving lately, such as….the dark chocolate covered coconut hunks, and lightly salted almonds that I like to snack on. That way the jars are being used instead of taking up space in the cabinet, and the food isn’t taking up space in the cabinet either….and it is just prettier in the jar than in the plastic zip top packaging that they came in. This makes me happy.
My sign would a bloody mess as well 🙂 I don’t have the patience to spray paint through a straw. I think you will like Divergent. You can borrow my copy if you want. You have me craving chocolate covered coconut hunks and almonds now. Are those from Costco or Trader Joe’s? Eating something out of a pretty bowl or plate just makes it that more appealing. Maybe I need to do that with fruit and vegetables! I also thought the jars would be nice to put food in for a party and the lids are great if it’s outdoors so bugs don’t get in your food.
the coconut came from costco. and the almonds were just from the fresh market. they always have an interesting assortment. I bought…hold on to your hat….salted caramel roasted almonds and chocolate cake roasted almonds.
Love that Stand Dawn!! HAHA It would make a nice Birthday gift!
What a talented neighbor you have. I’m like everyone else mine would have looked bloody too. I LOVE the 3 tier stand I see a SAMs errand coming up very soon. I’m like you I always come away from there with new items in my cart that’s one reason why I try to stay away…. I’m looking forward to reading Divergent I had no idea the 3 book was that bad…good to know.
Recently I read Lone Survivor awesome book can’t wait to see the movie. I listened to Labor Day on audio which was good. I heard the movie is more of a rental so I will wait. Killing Jesus is another great read!
Thanks for the book recommendations Keri! You could use the 3 tier stand for Alex’s graduation party 🙂 I think it would even be pretty left out on a table with items displayed on it. I have to put my winter decor away so I can display mine.