Stress management is a topic that’s been at the forefront of my mind lately. A friend of mine had a mild stroke last month at age 50. I came across an article on P&Geverday which caught my eye, “How to Read Your Body’s Stress Signals.” My friend was fortunate she got to the hospital right away and was aware of some stroke warning signs. Initially though, she thought it could be any number of things due to running herself ragged and feeling stressed out. Stress wasn’t determined as the cause of her stroke, but stress can cause illness.
It’s easy to ignore or become addicted to stress. We often run from one event or errand to the next, work late hours, don’t get enough sleep and obsess about our growing to do list. I have a hard time shutting off my laptop and disconnecting from social media. I feel the pressure to stay connected and keep up with what others are doing. How often do you see people staring at their phones instead of enjoying nature or a special event? I’m raising my hand here as one of them.
According to the article, “Problems beyond our control that can’t be resolved immediately like work or money for instance are more than just the fight-or-flight reaction we’re biologically wired to handle.” Stress can make you fatigued and also impair your immune system so you are more prone to illness. I’ve had many instances where I became sick after being stressed out, especially during the holidays.
Some common signs of stress are inability to sleep well, getting more emotional than usual at certain times of day, and suffering regular headaches.
My friends stroke was a wake up call for me to pay attention to when I’m feeling stressed . The article shares a 5 Step De-Stress Action Plan which I encourage you to read HERE. It gives 5 practical tips which are concise and easy to do. I’ve started practicing yoga more frequently because I enjoy it, and it helps clear my mind. It also helps me to write down my thoughts in a journal. I also found an article on P&Geverday titled 5 DIY Stress Relief Techniques which also has some great tips.
One of the tips of the 5 Step De-Stress Action Plan is to focus on the positive which is one of the reasons I started this blog. I’m a seeker of inspiration and P&Geverday offers inspiration on a variety of topics that interest me such as health, entertaining, recipes and home decor. Their articles are concise and to the point which I like. You can also find them on Facebook.
I seek to find the joy in the everyday and P&Geveryday™ is committed to making every day just a little easier by helping you achieve a life full of rewarding moments. The site aims to inspire, support and empower you to unlock the extraordinary potential in your everyday life. I encourage you to take a time-out and check out their website.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Good topic! I can always use reminders in how to de stress. I was just tossing and turning last night about a few things out of my control! I guess I will go for a walk!;)
This is a great resource – thanks for sharing this! Good tips.
Thanks for sharing Dawn. It’s so true how stress can consume us. I try so hard to disconnect from social media (very hard), walk outside, exercise with friends, listen to Christian music and do my daily devotion to help feel centered.
Thank you fro sharing such an important topic! I am always a bundle of stress. Today I took a yoga class after I read your article.
OMGosh… Who DOESN’T need a little help (or a lot?) with stress management!!! Loved the fact that they offered simple do-able steps to follow as a solution. And just looking at your picture of the beach (above) gave me a sense of peace… Great article, great blog post!! Thanks, Dawn!
Great article and tips! Thanks for the reminders.