One of the joys of living in the United States are the freedoms we have as a nation. My friend Cindy is a veteran and asked if I’d share some of the mistakes people make regarding the proper care and hanging of the American Flag. I am one of those people who didn’t necessarily know all of the rules so I felt it best Cindy share her knowledge and passion for the American Flag. I agree that we should treat our countries flag with care and keep in mind what it represents. If you aren’t aware of the proper flag etiquette I encourage you to read on.
I’ve always loved the summer. Growing up, I loved all the little things associated with summer: the pool, lemonade, watermelon, and who can forget, the summer holidays? My parents were very patriotic. So much so that the start to summer wasn’t a family picnic, nor a trip to the local pool, but rather somber visits to cemeteries to visit loved ones and fallen soldiers. My father never understood people heading to the lake or going off on a vacation in celebration of Memorial Day. To him, it meant so much more and he often would get offended talking to people who discount this important day in our country’s history.
Now that I’m grown, I understand his patriotism more. Although I am the first to admit that I spent Memorial Day soaking up the sun and enjoying time with my family and close friends. In honor of my father, however, I asked Dawn if I could share a few thoughts as we approach the 4th of July – Independence Day. Thankfully, the 4th of July should be a celebration. It’s America’s birthday, after all. One of my favorite things about the 4th of July isn’t the fireworks, it’s the FLAG! I love the American flag. I enjoy seeing everyone put out the flag and displaying it with honor and pride.
Over the years, I’ve complained when I see businesses flying the flag inappropriately, but realized that there are a lot of people who don’t understand the symbolic meaning or the importance behind properly displaying the American flag. If you’re in doubt, refer to for details. Once I was at my daughter’s elementary school when the school janitor was taking down the flag. He drug it on the floor, then wadded it up and stuck it on a food cart. I was mortified. I gasped….I brought it up to one of the school secretaries and pointed out that the flag should never touch the ground or any other object. It’s to be folded neatly, respectfully.
Looking back on that day, I know I completely over reacted. I also realize that very few people feel as passionate as I do about the displaying of our flag. It certainly doesn’t keep me awake at night, but I do hope that people will take a minute to properly display, store, and dispose of our American Flag. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and happy 4th of July!
Cindy Peterman
Here are a few helpful hints when displaying the American Flag found from The US Flag Organization
Respect for the Flag of the United States of America
The U.S. flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
The U.S. flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.
The U.S. flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.
The U.S. flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.
The U.S. flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever.
No part of the U.S. flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.
I knew it should never touch the floor but I didn’t know some of the other stuff. Thank you for sharing this – I think it’s important to teach our children.