One little word can have so much power and influence which is why every year for the past four years I have picked a word to focus on. I came across the One Little Word idea through Ali Edwards who offers a class titled One Little Word. I originally wrote about it in this post. I don’t participate in the class anymore, but it’s a fun and creative way to do some soul-searching and Ali gives you writing prompts to journal about each month.
Last year’s word was RECEIVE and oddly enough this year the word that came to mind was RELEASE. How’s that for yin and yang? Maybe I did too much receiving in 2014. There are a lot of things I want to RELEASE this year not just things and clutter, but limiting beliefs, worry, fear and the five extra pounds I gained over Christmas.
I have a real problem with paper clutter. I love books and magazines and even though I spend a lot of time on Pinterest I still love to tear ideas and recipes out of magazines. The problem is half the time I can’t find things and I have files overflowing with papers. I have a whole Pinterest Board filled with Organization Ideas. Now I just need to read through them and find the ones that work for me. I shared some purging tips here in which I tried the bag a day approach. It didn’t quite work for me, but I love the concept of doing a little each day. I’m going to try this with my daughter and have her collect her trash at the end of each day because for some reason she doesn’t seem to be able to find the trash cans in our house.
This year I also really want to work on releasing some of my photographs. I like to take pictures so I have a lot of photos on my computer, in boxes and on my phone. It’s hard to keep track of it all and I want to make sure I’m preserving those memories and enjoying the best of them. Rebecca from Simple As That takes tons of beautiful photos and will be sharing tips for one year to more organized photos in a monthly blog series.
I’ll be sure to share what works for me in terms of releasing things and limiting beliefs. Not everything will be successful, but there is value in trying and lessons to be learned. Everyone’s journey is different, but I believe we can all learn from each other. What will your word be this year? Feel free to share in the comments.
Since reading your original one word post, this will be my third time to follow a word throughout the year and even a radio station just mentioned it yesterday so I know my word
will be confirmed soon.
I like the one word idea. I need to think of one. When it comes to organization, I really need to organize my photos. That is one of my resolutions!
Me too Adri. Please let me know if you find any systems that work for you. I’m going to see what insights Rebecca shares. I’ve started going through and deleting multiple photos on laptop. I have at least 10 blog photos of the same picture. That’s the bad thing about digital photography. I have this fear of getting rid of photos I may need later, but having so many makes it hard to organize and find them all when I need them.
We can all stand to “release” a lot of things in our lives. I guess my goal of stepping out of my comfort zone means releasing my fears! Best wishes as you release things for the coming year!
Thanks Chloe, you too!
NURTURE. I’ve spent so much time working on my daughter’s home renovation, our country house completion, and taking care of my own health, that my home, friends, family relationships have all suffered. I need to take time to nurture those precious gifts and make them a priority again. It’s so easy for me to get bogged down in projects and forget to spend quality time with people I care about. So that is my goal this year.
That’s a great one Angela 🙂 I understand how easy it is to get bogged down with projects.
I love the one word idea. I need to think of one that will fit what I want to accomplish this year. I know I sure can release alot in my life! I cleaned out Brie’s clothes over break and it felt wonderful! I didn’t have her help me either otherwise it would look the same as she likes to keep everything. She hasn’t noticed anything missing yet…..
It does feel great to clear things out! I don’t know why it has to be so hard for me to get started sometimes. Good luck with her not noticing 🙂