A quote can turn my day around, give me a fresh perspective and make me smile. I’ve always loved quotes and there have been many instances in my life where a certain quote came to me at a time I really needed to read or hear it. Call it synchronicity if you will or coincidence, but I believe it’s Divine Intervention. I’ve been rereading the book Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach and one of the overlying themes in the book is the practice of gratitude.
You can have wealth, good health, friends and family, but if you don’t practice gratitude for all of the blessings in your life you can still have a bad attitude. I know this from experience. It’s easy for me to take things for granted and focus on what I don’t have. We are also tested when not so great things and experiences happen in our life to be grateful. They are there to teach us something and help us grow stronger. That can be a little more challenging for me, but it’s something I’m working on.
I hope these words of wisdom spoke to you today. If not, I’ll have a new quote next Wednesday. I plan to make quotes a weekly post and I hope they inspire you. If you’re on twitter, please feel free to tweet them.
Do you enjoy reading quotes? Please leave me a comment and let me know. Below are a few links to past quotes I’ve shared.
I love quotes to Dawn. I even have a “Quote” board on my pinterest. What a great reminder to always be thankful for the big and little things in our lives.