Have you ever been in a slump or as I like to call it a funk? I have many times and for the past several days I’ve been in one which makes it difficult to find the joy in the everyday. After coming back from my spring break vacation I thought I would be rejuvenated, but instead it just reminded me of how I long to live near the ocean. My hairstylist thinks I’m still in “all-inclusive mode”. All-inclusive living required me to do nothing, but rest. Meals were cooked, my living quarters were cleaned, and my only concern was claiming a beach chair with an umbrella which my husband kindly took care of. All-inclusive mode is a great life for a while and I feel blessed to have experienced it, but then it’s back to reality.
I’ve lived in my home for 16 years and many of my neighbors are moving on. Things change and that is reality. The timing isn’t right for us to move to my somewhere in the future home by the ocean, but there is the feeling I’m being left behind. Friends are updating to new homes or moving out of the area and on to new things. We have some home projects that we’ll be starting soon that I’m excited to share, but I still feel stuck at times. Melissa at The Inspired Room recently shared a post titled “Finding Joy at Home -When You’re Not Feeling It”. To quote Melissa, “The everyday hum drum, I can’t do what I want right now sometimes can make life feel a little dull at home. Every day the ordinary can be more beautiful and inspiring if you want it to be.” Melissa recently wrote her first book called Love The Home You Have. I’m excited to read it and do some of her Love Your Home Challenges and share my journey with you.
That my friends was my intention for starting this blog. Sometimes I get a little sidetracked, but I keep coming back to the need to find the joy in the details of everyday life and not just the big moments. Stories and things that make me smile require more work sometimes than it seems like they should. There are many days I don’t feel like cooking, decorating and organizing my home. Everything seems like a chore, even Pinterest.
Being in a slump or funk can stem from many reasons: the loss of a loved one, financial setbacks, illness, poor body image and quite possibly perimenopause in my case. The invention of social media certainly doesn’t help matters when all you see are the glamorous and fun part of other’s lives. Getting things out of my head and on paper helps me discern what is truth and what are stories I’ve told myself.
I get up and take a step.
I try to follow my routines or change things up a little.
I show gratitude even though I may not be feeling it.
I eat a lot of chocolate, like the mocha chocolate brownies I shared earlier this week. However, I pay for it later.
I sometimes browse the aisles of Target (my happy place).
I call my friends and maybe schedule time to do something fun with them.
I read inspirational articles or books.
I pray and ask for joy in perseverance and then I pray some more. The hard part sometimes is listening and obeying.
What has worked for you in the past or what steps do you take to get out of a slump/funk? Please share in the comments and let me know I’m not alone in this. We can all learn from each other.
Oh, dear friend, you are certainly NOT alone in your “funk”! I, too, have been rather stuck there myself…
I really liked the list of things that you do to attempt to “get back on track”. Similar to things that I do. Doing for others, is helpful to me. Random acts of kindness, to those in need, or random strangers… that makes me happy. Gets me out of my own mind. Or getting something organized. A closet or something. Really enjoyed this very honest post. You truly have a gift… xoxo
Thanks for sharing Cathy! I know you have been through a lot of life changes recently and yet you always make me smile 🙂 You are the Random Act of Kindness Queen. Doing for others is great advice and organizing always feels great when it’s done. It’s just getting the motivation to actually do it that can be challenging 🙂
Been there! Last year after having both knees replaced, I slipped beyond funk. It was a long, painful recovery and during the hardest 5-6 months I felt isolated and alone even though I was surrounded by my family and they tried to help out the best they could. Praying was definitely the best. Someone to complain to and when I felt too sorry for my self, someone to make me realize that I have so much to be thankful for.
It is a little strange right now in our neighborhood, every time I turn around there is another family moving.
Thanks for sharing Jeanene. I commend you because I can’t even imagine being laid up for 5-6 months. I know it has been a long healing process for you. Despite everyone moving away I keep reminding myself of all the people that are still in the neighborhood like you all. Things are changing and it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it does make me feel old.
The two things that work the best for me to get me out of a funk are to take a walk, and just keep walking until I feel better. Second, smile. Smile at everyone, smile at no one. It is funny how forcing the outside to look happy can make the inside get there! HUGS! Chloe
Thanks for sharing Chloe 🙂 My yoga teacher will tell us to smile in class and just the fact that she says that when we are so focused on postures and breathing makes me smile 🙂
Bravo Joy for your honesty! I love your take on social media and how it seems like everyone has such a great life…but the truth is everyone has their “cross to bear”. We all have bad days, weeks, months… Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Thanks so much Emily! I appreciate your comment. In the big scheme of things I have a great life. I think it’s those darn hormones that get the best of me, but you’re right we all go through times when we’re in a slump.
I think I could use some all-inclusive living right about now! But I have to say that just changing my view can help me get out of a funk (or at least forget about it temporarily.)
I love those afternoons, after school, when I can sit outside in the sunshine with some of my friends in the neighborhood, talking about anything and everything and nothing. It’s one of the high points of my day.
Sunshine, friends and maybe a cocktail or a glass of wine. It does the trick every time!
Thanks for sharing Amy! I’m glad I saw your response for some reason it went into my spam file. There’s nothing better than sunshine, friends and a little cocktail or glass of wine especially on a Friday. When my kids were younger we used to all hang out in our cup-del-sac and visit in the driveway while our kids rode their bikes and played. Those were great times! There are benefits to your kids getting older, but I really enjoyed those moments.
Hi, what great advice from everyone. I pray alot. I also try to get out every day even if it’s just picking my daughter up from school. I’ve learned with my illness that I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. Laugh, love and forgive.
Great advice Nancy! I tend to sweat the small stuff way too much. You are an inspiration and I think it’s important to try and get out of your house if you can. A change of scenery helps and being around others.
Sweet Dawn, you are not alone! As we’ve talked about before I feel as though I’m in the same limbo. Some days are harder than others. I often do the things you listed, call on friends, pray, and browse target or Fresh Market. But I also like to look ahead to my future and plan what that is going to be, researching places I’d like to live when my husband retires. Even creating a file of house plans So ill be ready! It gives me something else to focus on, and I find myself appreciating what I have now at the same time, nostalgic.
Thanks for sharing Angela 🙂 I’m a planner too and a dreamer. There can be a lot of joy in creating wish lists. It’s even better when you can look back and see how some of those things came true!
Finding joy without a beach — tough assignment!!! I have a hard time when it is cold, which is pretty much every moment since about September around here. I think you have to pursue it. Be intentional about planning activities (ones with tickets are good because you won’t back out if you’ve invested…) And I’m with you on the treats – they are good in the moment, but in the long run can backfire. Definitely all about limits on that one!
Thanks for sharing Seana. I agree the winter months can be especially tough when it’s cloudy and cold out. Summer is around the corner. Soon there will be lots of sunshine which is good for the soul!
You are not alone, Dawn! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Thanks for commenting Kim. Thankfully I’m getting out of my funk. There are times I’m unsure about sharing these types of things, but I know we all go through them no matter how blessed we are.
Very well said Dawn. I think it helps to be around friends as we all have our days when we are in a funk.
Especially friends like you Keri who are also cheery and positive!
Dawn-I loved this post. I got a lot out of it as well as from the comments of others. Let me know if you ever want to go for a walk sometime. I’m still in the neighborhood!
Thanks Denise I appreciate it! I’m glad I still have lots of friends in the neighborhood and that’s what I need to focus on. I’d love to walk with you sometime without my sidekick Fritz.