It’s back to school month for kids in my area and it can be bittersweet for both mothers and children. Mother’s are either jumping for joy that the kids are back in school and ready to get back to more of a routine or they miss the lazy days of summer and having their kids home. Sometimes it’s a combination of both feelings.
We moved my son back to college last week. The first year I went through a period of mourning, but this year it’s been a little easier. For those who have kids starting college this year, trust me when I say it’s strange at first, but it does get better. Depending on what season of life you are in it seems like you never stop worrying about your kids. At least that’s the case for me. I shared some of my thoughts in this post on what it means to be a mother.
You may find yourself in a funk adjusting to all of the changes back to school brings which is something that often happens to me. If so, I shared some ideas on finding joy when you’re in a funk and my thoughts on going through transitions in life. Flashback: This makes me think of the song Once in a Lifetime by the Talking Heads, “and you may ask yourself how did I get here.”
I shared the importance of asking questions in this post on embracing curiosity and a great question to ask your kids. A great reminder is to share with your kids is don’t take things personally which is rule number two in one of my favorite books The Four Agreements. Also don’t play the comparison game which is the thief of joy. This is a tough one for adults and children. I often catch myself comparing myself to others and if I don’t my husband is sure to point it out.
My neighbor Mia is one of the most confident little girls I know. The story titled “Let Your Individuality Shine & Own It” is one of my all time favorites. For those with young children, please read it before it’s time for school pictures. Even if you don’t have young kids, this story will make you SMILE.
My last back to school words of wisdom are practice gratitude and face your fears. I’m by no means an expert on any of these topics. They are things I’ve learned and will continue to learn. As always, if you enjoyed this post or the others I’ve shared please share it with others. Also feel free to add your own words of back to school advice in the comments.
Thanks for the inspiration Dawn, It is always a very sad, but exciting time too!
I hope your kids have a great year Kathy!
Hey Dawn,
A very appropriate post for me. I love the Dale Carnegie quote – it is so true. I’m still in that kind of dazed Phased where I am trying to figure out just how one is supposed to cook for only 3 people? I know everyone will be just fine…it’s just a matter of time (and lots of texts!)
I feel for you Karen because I went through the same thing last year. I still haven’t figured out the cooking thing. We always have lots of leftovers. Hopefully this year I’ll get it worked out. It’s tough at first not having everyone at home, but you will adjust to a new norm. The first couple of weeks were really hard for me, but it gets better. This year wasn’t nearly tough saying goodbye, but as a mother you always worry. It’s comforting to talk to other mother’s who are also adjusting to having kids away at school. You are not alone!