One good deed is a simple act of kindness that doesn’t have to cost a thing, but it can make a tremendous impact on someone. I get easily distracted, but when I’m really paying attention I often notice the effects that one good deed can have on a person. Be sure to read to the end of this post for a giveaway and a great story!
This past Veteran’s Day I was walking out of my local Hen House when I saw a man smile so big it brought tears to my eyes. A gentleman was handing out coupons to veterans for a free slice of Tippin’s pie. An older gentleman who looked a little rough around the edges gleefully took the coupon. His toothless smile was so huge you would have thought it was a $100 bill. On a side note, I have to admit that Tippin’s pies make me smile as well. You might be wondering if this man was homeless, but the store is an area where you don’t see homeless people milling about. It was a simple act of giving which honored the men and women who have served our country.
I can name countless things I’ve seen people do. Sometimes those things cost money, but many times they don’t. One of my favorite stories I’ve shared is the $10 Smile. My friend Jessica at PNP Flowers Inc. shared the book One Good Deed A Day in her book club awhile back. I purchased the book and it’s been collecting dust for several months. I thought this month of giving would be a great time to dust it off and put it to use. You can find also find it listed in my new shop.
One Good Deed a Day offers 365 small acts of compassion which can have a great impact on someone and yourself. The journal has a few lines for you to make notes. The nice thing is you can start anywhere in this journal. Flip through the pages and see what speaks to you that day.
A few suggestions from One Good Deed A Day
- Send a handwritten thank-you note.
- Tell a friend she’s beautiful. (My friend Pam does this one all time and I sure miss having her as my neighbor.)
- Forgive someone.
- Compliment a complete stranger.
- Make up your own family holiday to celebrate. (My friend Christine does this.)
- Pay for a stranger’s meal.
- Accept that good is good enough! (Love this one)
In this season of giving, I hope this inspires you to practice one good deed a day even if it’s just a SMILE. As a way to thank you for sharing your good deed I’m going to give away four $25 gift cards to Target (my happy place). I will randomly draw four names from those people who leave me a comment on my blog and share their good deed. Comments will be open until December 17 and I will notify the winners by email.
My husband shared this story with me a few weeks ago and this image is one of those good deeds that makes me SMILE. The woman in red at the subway station noticed the young man in the photo having trouble tying his tie and asked her husband to help him. Evidently this photo has gone viral and shows that there is still good in this world.
What a wonderful idea Dawn! I’m so excited for the opportunity to bring happiness to someone else after all we should bring light into the world:)
You bring happiness into the world every day Keri with your positive attitude. You are also one of the first ones to offer when help is needed.
What a great post Dawn! This area of “good deeds” tends to be one of your many strengths. You’re continually doing kind gestures that make people smile (it’s who you are). You’re an inspiration to many. Thanks for making me smile all the time! 🙂
Thanks for your kind comment Michelle. I feel the same way about you friend. As a teacher you are doing good deeds all day long! I love to hear your stories. Come back and share one.
What a great idea, Dawn! I think good deeds aka random acts of kindness are contagious, but more importantly they bless both the giver and the receiver! Thanks for sharing this book. It’d make a great gift, too!
Last night at work my sister had a table full of ladies that didn’t treat her very nicely and kept her late. I had already clocked off, and I stayed an extra hour and helped her finish her work. Even when all the other servers leave, my sister and I always try to help each other. She does so much at our work place…she is a blessing! I try to be more like her as a team player. 🙂
I love that you and your sister stick together and are both team players. I try to tip waiters/waitresses a little extra this time of year because I’m sure your job can be very demanding during the holiday season. It also helps to have extra sending money.
I stopped for a donut and then paid for the lady behind me. As I was leaving, I heard her say she wanted to pay for the man behind her 🙂
Love it! It’s especially nice when you witness the act of paying it forward in action. I hope I’m behind you when I’m buying donuts 🙂
I am going to pick up that book today and give it to my boys. Great post Dawn! I am off to the stores to finish up my shopping and you know me in the stores. I could be a real giver. Lol.
I know this is something you are already good at friend!
My church asked me to make chocolate covered pretzels/decorative gift tags for their teachers and volunteers. Of course they were going to reimburse me for supplies, but my husband and I agreed it would be a donation from us to the church. We know money is tight, especially at churches and we wanted to bless them.
That’s very sweet of you and your husband Amy. I have made chocolate covered pretzels many times and they can be very time intensive and messy.
My Good Deed yesterday was priceless. After working in the yard all afternoon with some help from Peter, the 6 year old neighbor, I went into the house to get some chores done. Peter found a empty box in the garage and wanted to decorate it. So I gave him tape and some old wrapping paper and thought he could work on “His Project” on the kitchen floor while I got my own stuff done. I noticed he was struggling with the tape dispenser so I went to help him. He asked if I could stay and help, at first I was like ugh I have to get dinner started etc. But then a voice told me just sit on the floor with him and teach him how to wrap the empty box. After we were done he was so excited to go home and show his mom. He had a pretty wrapped box for a few stuff animals to sleep in. But what really brought tears to my eyes is when he looked at me and said, “You are the best neighbor ever.”
I love this story Keri! Thanks for sharing. Peter is lucky to have you as his neighbor. He is a cutie pie and has quite the personality 🙂
Entering in my good deed from yesterday:). I was standing in line at the post office with lots of people when I decided to compliment the lady in front of me which caused joyful conversation while we stood in line. Feeling joyful:)
Good Deed entry: I was walking into a store and noticed a couple just getting out of their car so I paused by the front door for 20 seconds to open the door for them. The look on their faces was so worth it. They were so surprised. Feeling happy!!!!
Good Deed entry: This week I sent 3 cards to friends who needed to know someone cared. They are going through a rough time and I thought a card with a scripture I chose would hopefully lift them up:)
Good Deed entry from the weekend: I baked 6 dozen cookies for the church:)
Good Deed entry x 2 yesterday: I baked 6 dozen cookies for the High School. I also made soup and rolls for my neighbors as little Peter had surgery yesterday:)