Do you ever wonder what other people do with their Christmas cards after the holidays? I’m guessing most people probably throw them away, but I have a hard time throwing pictures away. For years I used to scrapbook most of the Christmas photos I received in a Christmas album with my family pictures. For the past several years though my scrapbooks and supplies have been collecting dust. I came across this simple DIY Christmas Card Scrapbook years ago and have been smiling about the pure simplicity of it ever since. It takes just a few minutes to put together. I wish I could remember where I originally saw the idea so I could credit the source. I’m sure I came across it on my go to resource Pinterest.
It takes me until mid January before I’ve completely put away any last remnants of Christmas. I like to display my Christmas cards on a big bulletin board in my kitchen. We have a lot of friends who have children and they often use photos for their cards. Unfortunately, they don’t all fit on my bulletin board so the later ones usually get thrown in a basket until I’m ready to put my simple scrapbook together.
The only supplies you need to make this scrapbook are a hole punch and a metal ring. You may want a pair of scissors if you’re a perfectionist. You simply gather your Christmas cards together and punch a hole in the top corner of your card and loop the cards onto a metal ring. If you want to get fancy you can decorate the cover card with number stickers of the year. You can create your own title card or just use a Christmas card and put the date on it. For extra pizazz tie a ribbon around the ring.
I love seeing how the children have grown over the years. Display your Christmas scrapbooks in a decorative bowl during the holidays and you have your own little timeline of Christmases past.
Some other ways I love to recycle Christmas cards is on gifts. Check out this post for some ideas. I also love a few of these ideas from Thistlewood Farms that I may use next year.
If you’ve already thrown your cards away don’t worry, just pin this idea to your Pinterest account for this year!
Great idea! I usually cut mine down and put them in one of my yearly photo albums, but this is a really neat and simple idea too!
What a fun idea. I put mine in a Christmas scrapbook espeically the ones with pictures of the family as I like to look back at how we all change through the years.
Cute idea! In the past I have taken the old cards, and use one of my large circle or square punches to punch out pictures and portions of the card. Then I use those to make gift tags for next year. Or you can keep them for your Christmas scrapbooking needs.
What a great idea! Love it