I’ve shared the One Little Word concept which I discovered through Ali Edwards for the past several years. In case you are new here I’ll give you the cliff notes version. You choose a word to focus on for the year or better yet many times the word chooses you. If you want to read more about One Little Word you can do so here and here and read more of this post.
Over the years I have seen how focusing on a word has been helpful in many aspects of my life. It’s a lot like setting an intention. It’s a way to bring awareness to an area of your life you may feel like you need to work on or want more of.
My word for 2015 was RELEASE. I really felt the need to simplify, purge and let go of things. Not only things, but bad habits. I made huge progress, but I am by no means done. What my one little word did was give me the jumpstart I needed and served as a reminder to make it a priority in my life. It’s easier for me to focus on one word than it is a bunch of resolutions.
My word for this year is TRUST. I need to trust more in order to continue to release certain things in my life. Not just trust in other people, but trusting in God and myself. The word just sort of popped up without me really putting a lot of thought into it. Then a funny thing happened.
I received an email from Author Brené Brown about a free mini online course she is offering on TRUST as part of her Courage Works classes. You can enroll here. It’s basically a video of a talk she gave as part of Oprah’s Soul Series. She also shares several exercises with questions you can download. I really like the way Brené speaks. She is a straight shooter and direct, but also shares relatable heart warming stories. If you decide to listen to Brené’s talk I’d love to have a discussion about it either here or you can email me at dawn@joyfulscribblings.com.
I’ve found once I set an intention things often fall into place, but it does require some work.
What will your one little word be for 2016?
I like your one word concept. I’m thinking this year I will pick “Greatful”. I want to focus on the positive things I have, see, feel, hear etc and let it really soak in. Lately the sky has been sooo beautiful from the arrangement of clouds to the sunrises and sunsets. I’ve been taking time just to look at God’s beauty thats all around us and give thanks:) I might check out the free mini series on trust sounding interesting. I will let you know thanks for the info.