I would have never thought I’d be quoting David Lee Roth from Van Halen. I found this quote in my journal and it really resonated with me. I’m a big believer in learning and growing, but sometimes I don’t know when to just sit back and relax. January tends to be a popular time for self-improvement so I thought I’d share a few self-help books I’ve read recently.
I’m at a transition point in my life. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 20 years, but will be an empty nester in a year and a half. I’ve had a lot more time to focus on me and what I want to do the past few years. I want to live a creative life which is why I started this blog. I enjoy writing and photography; however, there are times I really miss connecting with people in person and through an actual conversation on the phone. How is it our society can be so connected through cell phones and the internet yet feel so unconnected? My hope was to have some actual conversations on this blog and share information, but that isn’t always the case.
I’ve been reading a lot of self-help books lately to help me set sort things out and prioritize my goals. According to my husband, the problem is I need to start doing and quit reading. I would have to agree with him on this one. If you are looking for some self-improvement inspiration here are a few books I really enjoyed.
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert- If you are any type of artist you will love this book. I didn’t want it to end. I never finished Eat Pray Love, but I plan on rereading this book. It’s full of encouragement and personal experiences.
Curiosity is the truth and the way of creative living.
Essentialism by Greg McKeown- There has been a lot of buzz in the blog world about this book so naturally I became curious about it. I’m horrible at time management and prioritizing and was looking for some productivity tips. This book is helpful for anyone who has a hard time saying no and prioritizing what’s important right now.
When we start small and reward progress we end up achieving more than when we set big, lofty, and often impossible goals.
Die Empty by Todd Henry – I came across this book through Marie Forleo and have listened to a few podcasts with the Author, Todd Henry. You can see his interview with Marie on How To Find Your Voice here. I’ll be honest, I need to reread this book. There is so much information and many action steps that this isn’t a book you read once.
Plant seeds every day that will yield a harvest later. Tomorrow is only an unfulfilled wish, so live and work as if today is all you have.
The Art of Work by Jeff Goins- This book helps explain how vocation is more than a job or career; it’s a passion fueled calling that makes each day an adventure.
Clarity of calling comes more through a series of deliberate decisions than it does through any sudden revelation.
Make It Happen by Lara Casey- This book was recommended to me by another blogger and is religious based. Lara shares her struggles and successes and gives a lot of action steps for living a life with purpose. She covers facing your fears, taking leaps of faith, and letting go of perfection.
Living on purpose is a heart change, not a lifestyle change.
Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields- I struggle with uncertainty so this book caught my attention years ago, but I just read it this past year. Author, Johnathan Fields shares lots of research on the subject of turning fear and doubt into fuel for creativity.
The more you’re able to tolerate ambiguity and lean into the unknown, the more likely you’ll be to dance with it long enough to come up with better solutions, ideas and creations.
I know that ultimately the answers come from within, but all of these books gave me questions to ponder and a different perspective on life and how I view uncertainty. It’s a matter of applying those things that speak to me and focusing on progress and not perfection. A few of the messages are redundant, but it seems most of us need to hear a message several times before it sinks in.
If you make any purchases through my Amazon links I get a small credit with no additional cost to you. It can be for any item, not just books. This helps offset some of my costs for running a website and I greatly appreciate it. There are some bloggers who make a substantial living from blogging, but don’t ever go into blogging thinking your going to make money. That’s typically not the case.
Check out my shop in my menu bar for other favorite reads. I hope you find something that speaks to you. Are there any good self-improvement books that you would recommend or have you read one of these? Please share in the comments.
Thanks Dawn for sharing. They all sound good I think the book “Make it Happen” sounds good for me. Letting go of perfection, just relax and enjoy. It goes along with the article Anne gave me from the newspaper.
I struggle with perfection as well Keri 🙂 I also loved the article you shared with me.
I listened to the Die Empty clip andI found Maria and Todd to be very interesting. Thank you for sharing and turning me on to these names. It is the time of the year to reflect on oneself. I know that’s what I am doing!
I’m glad you enjoyed the video of Marie and Todd’s talk. Her videos are great!
The last two sound like the ones that would appeal to me the most. Now, how do I even find time to read? I really could use a stack of books and a week on a beach somewhere. I just don’t feel like I can set aside Celebrate and Decorate for a week. I am going to have to figure this out…maybe one of these books will help with that!
I feel the same sometimes Chloe! I love the idea of a week on the beach with my books 🙂 I’ve learned it’s important for me to take little reading breaks though with a book and not on the computer.
So I have to admit that I’m not a big “self help” person. If anything, I think I tend to act too quickly, without enough thoughtful consideration. That is a strength of yours, that you think before leaping. But there is some point at which we need to take the first step. I do remember reading this one and finding it very motivating… http://www.amazon.com/Want-Walk-Water-Youve-Boat/dp/0310340462/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1453662011&sr=1-1&keywords=if+you+want+to+walk+on+water+get+out+of+the+boat
Thanks for the book recommendation. Another one to add to my list 🙂 I tend to way over think things. I need to do more leaping!
I’m almost done with Big Magic and yes it definitely is a re-read. Die Empty sounds really interesting and I love Marie Forleo so I’ll definitely have to check it out. Thanks for all the recommendations. Love self help books too!