Those of you who know me well know I am a big fan of Oprah. I even used to write a blog about What I Learned From Watching Oprah. I was recently surprised to learn that she and I have something in common with less than 4 % of the world’s population. I guess you could say in a way we are both Divergent or ENFJ’s.
What is an ENFJ? It’s one of the Myer’s Briggs personality types and it’s also referred to as Harmony Perspectives. People who are ENFJ’s make great teachers, and counselors or coaches. They make great leaders and diplomats of people and new thoughts. I actually took the test twice because I didn’t believe the results. I even changed a few of the answers I was borderline on and guess what? It still came back with the same answer ENFJ. I’ve always thought I’d make a horrible teacher due to my lack of patience. As far as a counselor goes, I could use one myself. I texted my husband and he didn’t agree with the assessment either so I decided to take a third personality test from the website 16 Personalities. The test has a different format, but my results still came out the same except for the E part which stands for extrovert. I was an INFJ. I’m actually a borderline introvert/extrovert depending on the situation.
If you’re interested in finding out what your personality type is you can take a test here. I enjoy these types of tests which help me better understand how my mind works. There are many times when I think something should be common sense, but it obviously is not to others. Understanding my thought process in comparison to others helps me better communicate with individuals and grow as a person. I’ve learned I’m often operating as my 10-year-old self because I haven’t taken care of my personal needs and developed my intuitive side. ENJF’s naturally understand relationships, interpersonal dynamics and social systems. They want to get everyone’s needs met and create win/wins. After reading more about the ENFJ’s and INFJ’s my husband and I agreed that I have a lot of the qualities listed. INFJ’s crave creativity and are interested in growing and making a difference.
I found this article on why psychologists feel the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless. Most people are in the middle for any one category like I was with introvert and extrovert. It’s also not effective in predicting success at different jobs. I personally feel like if you follow your intuition it will lead you on the right path in life despite what your personality type may be. I may enjoy some aspects of teaching, but definitely not with a classroom of middle schoolers.
If you enjoy taking these types of quizzes. Check out these Five Online Personality Quizzes Worth Taking from Modern Mrs. Darcy. I spent an hour taking these quizzes instead of cleaning my basement, but it gave me the idea for this blog post. If self-improvement and deep thinking aren’t your thing check out these 5 Fun Personality Quizzes which cover things like which Modern Family and Downton Abbey character are you?
If you take the test let me know your results in the comments. I’m curious if anyone else is an ENFJ like me and Oprah. On a side note, the picture above was from 7 years ago when I attended the Oprah show with a good friend. Click here for my other story on Oprah.
I think this can be fun to do with teens… helps a parent understand their child. I’m the only “E” in my family…. guess who gets to do all the talking?
It’s a good thing they have you 🙂 I should have my teens take it to see what they are. It might help me better communicate with them as well 🙂
I did one of the test and it says I’m Harmony/Memory. When I read the discription it fit me really well. Some of the questions in the test where hard to answer I thought. I will let you what my other test show once I take the time to do some more. It’s kinda fun!
Thanks Keri! I definitely see the Harmony in you 🙂
I used to believe in personality tests once upon a time. But then one scientists friend of mind told me that even their community is divided in this regard.
I did find it interesting that psychologists differ on the validity of them as well. I look at them as more of a learning tool than an exact science.