I recently shared this picture of an orchid on my Instagram and Facebook accounts. Orchids in my opinion are NOT a hard to kill houseplant. However, I’m sharing a few plants that my not so green thumb has managed to keep alive for a least a few years with minimal effort. They are like Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie, tough to kill.
I think orchids are beautiful, but high maintenance. I came across this beauty at my local Price Chopper. It was on sale for only $10 so I thought I would make another attempt at caring for an orchid. Flowers are about the same price and they only last a week if you’re lucky. I’m going on week two of owning this orchid and unfortunately I’ve already lost three blooms. I’ve moved it two different locations, but still no luck. I haven’t given up hope, but I’m thinking orchids require a lot of patience which is something I’m short on.
Here are a few plants I have had success with over the years and if you’re like me and tend to be neglectful, they will forgive you.
Pictured from top left to right:
- Pony Tail Palm
- Rubber Plant
- Aloe Plant
- Assorted Succulent plants
- Jade Plant -which is also considered a succulent
If by chance you happen to have a green thumb with orchids do tell what the secret is. Do you have a favorite hard to kill houseplant?
If you’re in need of some container gardening tips check out this post and this post.
My two favorite indoor plants are Christmas cactus and African violet. Have no idea how to care for an orchid, sorry!
Thanks for sharing Anne. I think my mom used to always have african violets when I was a kid. I will have to look for them.
I have no idea why some people have such wonderful luck growing plants and others don’t…like me! I have even killed succulents! I love keeping orchids. I am not great at keeping them alive after the blooms have faded, but I love being able to have blooming orchid plants that last as long as three months! Much more thrifty than keeping fresh flowers!
That’s a good point Chloe. Even if my orchid only lasts a month, that’s still longer than flowers. Three months is pretty good! They are beautiful plants.
I haven’t tried an orchid yet. I love my Christmas cactus and I have a few low light fairy garden plants:)