Happiness can be fleeting, but the book Happiness Is … covers 500 things to be happy about so even if you’re in a bad mood you can find something to be happy about. My friend gave me this sweet little book for my birthday this summer. I tend to get into a funk at least once a month so this book will come in handy. I decided recently to spend a few minutes writing down things that make me happy.
The process of writing things down that make me happy actually made me even feel happier. It’s sort of similar to keeping a grateful journal, but these things don’t need to happen today. They are things that make me SMILE when I think about them. The Happiness book is a nice starting point to get your creative juices flowing, but everyone’s happiness list is different. I found a few things in the book that overlap with my list like being the first one up, libraries, yoga and making a list of places I want to go.
The stick figure illustrations in the book also make me smile because I am not an artist. They are simple drawings that illustrate each happy thing.
Here is the start of my happiness list. What are a few things on yours?
A foot massage that is so relaxing it makes me want to fall asleep.
Feeling energized rather than needing a nap after a good workout.
Spending time with friends.
A good book or magazine.
A fresh manicure and pedicure.
The smell of fresh laundry and I didn’t have to do the laundry.
Feeling comfortable and confident in my own skin.
The sound of the ocean.
A slice of fresh bread and butter.
The baba ghanoush from YaYa’s Restaurant.
Having a friend I can count on and who is honest with me if I ask them, “Do these jeans make my butt look fat?”
Visiting someplace new.
A friendly smile.
Feeling seen and heard.
The return of John Snow on Game of Thrones. Insert the hallelujah chorus here.
A thank you.
A hug. Especially my husband’s hugs.
My chocolate peanut butter goodie bars.
The perfect peach that is ripe and juicy.
Yoga especially shavasana.
Putting on a pair of jeans after the summer months and having them fit.
Singing at the top of my lungs to a good song on the car radio. For a list of top 10 best and worst car tunes click here.
Peeling a hard-boiled egg and the shell doesn’t stick. For tips on how to do this read this.
A bookstore or library. The Newtown, Connecticut Library Book Sale recently made me very happy.
Meeting someone who loves the same books I do.
Target- I’m not kidding when I say this is my happy place. Just cruising the aisles at Target can immediately put me in a good mood. It does not have the same effect on my husband!
White cake with white icing.
I hope you take a minute to jot down a few things that make you happy. The next time you are in a bad mood take a minute to enjoy something on your list. If you are interested in purchasing the Happiness is book I’ve included my affiliate link to Amazon.
Find out your happiness style here. I’m a thinker which wasn’t too surprising to me.
What a nice way to begin a Monday morning! I am working harder at my blog than I ever have and it is paying off for me. Looking at my blog dashboard and seeing all kinds of scheduled posts in the pipeline makes me so happy. Of course, so many thoughts of nature also give me the happy feeling! Walking a beach is right up there at the top! Here’s to happiness!
Thanks for sharing Chloe! I agree with you on walking the beach and just being out in nature. I’m so happy things are going well for you with your blog. Having scheduled posts makes me happy too 🙂
I most certainly agree that your husband’s hugs can make ANYONE happy – he is a great hugger! 🙂 Some of the things that make me happy…..
–Yes, that alone coffee time in the morning
–And YES chocolate
–And YES, YES Target…so theraputic!
–Baking cookies for my kids
–Baking a pie for my hubs (he’s a pie guy)
–Those random “I love ya momma” texts from my kids…got one of those today and it made me instantly filled with joy.
–My 100 lb loveable dog
–Online shopping – someday, someday, I will start my own business shopping for others….I LOVE to browse and put things together. I don’t buy anything full price unless it’s absolutely a must have!
–A great run with friends
–Beach vacations
Thanks for making me think about things that make me happy. You’re right – it’s a great thing for anyone to do who is in a funk.. You can’t possibly stay in that awful mood when you’re thinking happy thoughts.
Thanks for sharing your list Shelley! Your cookies are always delicious and I’m sure part of it is because of all the love that goes into making them. I have to say I’m a little jealous of the random Love ya Momma texts. I’m just happy if my kids respond 🙂 Let me know when you open your online shopping business. I’ll be your first customer. Have you heard of polyvore? You should check it out. I think you would have a lot of fun with it. Your comment makes me happy!
I love your list and the book looks like something I could use every now and then! 🙂 Cute, inspiring post. I love it!
Thanks for your comment Denise! I forgot to list comments from my readers to my list 🙂
Thanks for spreading joy! Making a happy list is a great mood lifter. Thanks for the encouragement!
You’re welcome Kim! I’m glad you found it helpful!
I’m sharing some of the items on your list, like the one about putting on jeans and having them fit! I also love a beautiful sunset, the first fire of the season, watching the BBC Pride & Prejudice, the smell of pie in the oven, a pina colada on a beach, I could go on and on… I guess that’s the whole point, right?
Thanks for sharing Seana! Those are some good ones. My friend gave me the Pride & Prejudice DVD series to watch. Have you watched Mr. Selfridge? That’s another good one.
Love the list Dawn! I will work on one too. I try to find the AWESOMENESS in everyday there is so much to be thankful for.