This live curiously post is inspired by back to school month. I share things to make, eat, drink, explore, inspire, discuss, watch and reflect on. Whether if you are a mom who is sending kids off to school this month or an empty nester, I hope you enjoy my finds and a few things that make you smile. To Make: DIY Homework Station I love this … [Read more...]
Get Out of Your Box and Take a Class
Since it's back to school month my challenge for you is to take a class on something that sparks your interest. I'm constantly on a learning quest so this month's Get Out of Your Box Challenge isn't much of a challenge for me unless the class is mechanics, physics or math. I enjoy taking classes on things that spark my interest. Be curious and pay … [Read more...]
Get Your Kicks on Route 66
As a child I was always curious about people and I still am. I'm curious about their life, interests and experiences which is one of the reasons why I love to travel. I love to see different places , but my preferred form of travel is by airplane due to my impatient nature. I want to get to where I'm going and fast. When my good friend Michelle … [Read more...]
ONEHOPE Wines For A Cause
Are you interested in drinking wine, socializing with friends and helping make the world a better place? I am, so when my neighbor Kelly shared with me the mission of ONEHOPE I agreed to host a wine tasting and share their story on my blog. I believe in celebrating, connecting with others and making an impact in my own small way. ONEHOPE … [Read more...]
Live Curiously Weekly
This week's live curiously weekly is inspired by the upcoming Olympics and the tastes of summer. Please click on each link to explore further details on what to make, eat, drink, explore, and watch this summer. I hope you find something new to try this week. To Make: DIY Vertical Herb Garden It may be a little late in the season for this … [Read more...]
Enjoy Every Moment
I saw this quote on Dawn Smith Designs instagram feed and it immediately spoke to me. I have a lot of lovely moments in life, but I don't always enjoy them due to worry. It could be worry about the cost of things, timing or distractions. There is no shortage of things I can dream up to worry about. This quote is a reminder to stop worrying and … [Read more...]
Summer Photo Get Out of Your Box Challenge
Are you enjoying some of the simple joys of summer? Things like BBQ's, a summer cocktail, visiting a farmers market, pool time, ice cream cones or laying in a hammock. My Get Out Of Your Box challenge for the month of July is to take at least 10 photos of some of the simple joys of summer. Be creative and capture spontaneous moments or take a … [Read more...]
Live Curiously Weekly
Since the Fourth of July weekend is upon us I decided to share quite a bit of red, white and blue inspiration. Some of these ideas and more can also be found on my Pinterest Summer Holidays board. If you're on Pinterest you can also follow me there for more weekly inspiration. I hope you enjoy this Americana version of live … [Read more...]
Healthy Avocado Chicken Salad
Avocado has become the new mayonnaise and is the healthy fat which holds this delicious chicken salad in place. My friend Anne shared this healthy avocado chicken salad recipe with me because she knows I'm trying to clean up my eating a bit. I love avocado and have also used it as a replacement for mayonnaise in egg salad. Avocado … [Read more...]
5 Hard to Kill Houseplants
I recently shared this picture of an orchid on my Instagram and Facebook accounts. Orchids in my opinion are NOT a hard to kill houseplant. However, I'm sharing a few plants that my not so green thumb has managed to keep alive for a least a few years with minimal effort. They are like Bruce Willis in a Die Hard movie, tough to kill. I think … [Read more...]